Are You a “Pop-Christian?” July 24, 2020

Friday of the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time
Readings for Today

Saint Sharbel Makhlūf, Priest, Hermit—Optional Memorial

“The seed sown on rocky ground is the one who hears the word and receives it at once with joy. But he has no root and lasts only for a time. When some tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, he immediately falls away.”  Matthew 13:20-21

Are you a “pop-Christian?”  That may be a new word.  But it gets at the heart of this particular Christian described above.  This passage is one of four types of Christians identified in the Parable of the Sower.  There are some who are like seed sown on a path, some like seed sown on rocky ground, some who are like seed sown in thorns, and some like seed sown in rich soil.  Each one of these descriptions provide much to think about.

Let’s look at the Christian who is like seed sown on rocky ground, the one who has no roots.  Practically speaking, this is the person who could be described as a “pop-Christian.”  It’s the person who professes faith in Christ when it’s popular and well accepted by others.  When it’s easy and convenient, this person is all in.  But as soon as there is some challenge given to the Gospel, to the Word of God, and suddenly following Christ is not popular within the culture, this person is quick to choose the culture over the Truth.

This is a very real phenomenon in our day and age.  The culture and the world as a whole are becoming more and more hostile toward the truth of our Christian faith.  The world is becoming stronger, more influential, more of a bully, and appears to be winning the battle.  This is a problem.  And the real problem stems from too many Christians who lack deep roots in their life of faith.

The ideal is to have the Word of God sown deep into our hearts where there is rich soil.  When this happens, the Word grows and becomes strong and stable.  And in the midst of a cultural or social “storm,” the Christian with deep roots and deep faith will not waver.

Reflect, today, upon whether or not you are absolutely willing to stand with Christ and for the Truth no matter how hard or unpopular it may be.  Are you willing to endure the ridicule and misrepresentation the world gives to the Truth?  Are you willing to stay strong in your faith in the midst of an increasingly secular society?  If you struggle with being a “pop-Christian,” pray that God will sink His roots down deep into your heart so that you will be unwavering no matter the cost.

Lord, I desire that Your Word sink deep into my heart.  I desire to stay strong in my faith no matter the cost.  Help me to be radical in my faith and in my love in all things.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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Saint of the Day – Saint Sharbel Makhlūf, Priest, Hermit

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Image: Appearance on the Mountain in Galilee by Duccio di Buoninsegna